Corey Strong 4 Congress



I'm running for office because I believe in our community and I know we can make Memphis and our district shine as an economic powerhouse on every level—regionally, nationally, and internationally. For too long, our district has been overlooked. We've seen federal investment decline while our neighbors thrive. This lack of funding means fewer jobs, fewer opportunities, higher local taxes, entrenched poverty, and rising crime rates. We need a strong, capable, and dedicated representative who believes in our potential and will bring the big investments we deserve—investments that will spur economic growth, create high-skill and high-wage jobs, and make our district a vibrant place to live.

I've dedicated my life to serving others, and I know TN-09 needs a representative ready to truly serve. We need someone who understands that building a solid economic foundation is key to lifting our communities from poverty to the middle class. Together, we can create a place where anyone, regardless of their background, can lead a life of purpose and opportunity.

I plan to help create this future through three key pillars: INDUSTRY, INFRASTRUCTURE, and EDUCATION. Let's work together to build a brighter future for our district and put TN-09 back on the map.

Attracting Industries That Will Fuel the Future for a Thriving Economy My primary goal is to transform our district into an economic center of excellence. Right now, our community lacks competitive and emerging industries, leaving us vulnerable. It's crucial that we focus on sustainable, high-skill, high-wage industries of the future. The issues we face—poverty, crime, high taxes—stem from economic hardship. The best way to address these challenges is by fostering growth that establishes a solid economic foundation and lifts our communities into the middle class.

We need a leader who will advocate for and attract these industries to our district. TN-09 has everything it takes to be an economic powerhouse: a vital river, excellent climate, diverse demographics, strategic location, and an underutilized workforce. These assets are incredibly attractive for governmental and industrial investment. But we need a representative who understands our value and sees the global potential within our district. The opportunities before us are limitless. We already have a competitive edge in industries like medical technology and transportation. By supporting infrastructure and workforce development in these areas, we can spur significant economic growth.

Even more, we can be a strategic solution to global challenges. As China poses a growing threat, our country is working to boost industrial and manufacturing capacity domestically. Our district should be at the forefront of this growth, particularly in advanced technologies like semiconductors and microchip production. Additionally, with the world facing climate change, there's a pressing need for advancements in green energy and sustainable agriculture—areas where our district can lead.

Every day in Washington, decisions are made that determine who will seize these opportunities and shape our future economy. It's time for a leader who will ensure that our district drives this growth and creates a path from poverty to the middle class. I am that leader, ready to champion our community and secure a prosperous future for all.

Building a Stronger Future: Why Infrastructure Investment Matters To attract new industries, we must strengthen our infrastructure. Industries will only choose locations that offer real growth potential, and right now, our district isn't ready to welcome the industries we need. We must invest in better roads, bridges, expanded rail systems, secure internet, and reliable utilities to show that this area is a place where future industries can thrive and grow.

Under the current administration, billions of dollars for infrastructure have been distributed, but our district has not seen its fair share. We need a representative who will fight for the funds to complete the I-55 bridge, replace the I-40 bridge, and build a third bridge to serve northern Shelby and Tipton County. This is essential to attract greater industrial capacity, beyond Blue Oval.

We also need to completely overhaul our aging utility grid and internet infrastructure to ensure we're prepared to support current and future industries. This isn't just about urban areas—it's about creating opportunities in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods and rural areas. We must fully capitalize on our district's potential, ensuring growth reaches every corner. Our district has underperformed in securing funding in these critical areas. I will work tirelessly to make the case for our district, so we see the investment needed to improve our infrastructure. Lastly, we must develop sites specifically to attract major industrial operations. Mega sites in the 9th district will provide the infrastructure to attract high-paying, skilled labor industries and equip our workforce to excel in these jobs. Currently, neighboring districts in Mississippi and Arkansas are leveraging our resources with their federally recognized mega sites. I am committed to helping local governments and chambers develop multiple mega sites within our district, signaling to the world that TN-09 is ready to welcome new industries.

You need a leader who will fight every day for the dollars to improve our district's infrastructure, ensuring we are ready to host the industries of tomorrow. I am that leader, and I am committed to building a stronger, more prosperous future for our community.

Empowering Our Greatest Resource: Our People The most important resource our district has to offer isn’t our river, weather, or strategic location—it's our people. To drive the economy of the future, we must invest in the people of this district and show them their immense value. By doing this, we can propel our community forward and show emerging industry that our district is ready for the future.

To do this, we can't afford to leave anyone behind; we are only as strong as our weakest link. That's why I believe in preparing our entire workforce and every child from birth onward. This means providing secondary training, technology literacy, grade school trade programs, apprenticeship experiences, and more. These programs are the lifeblood of growing our economy and vital to small business growth. Accordingly, I will prioritize tripling the number Department of Labor funded apprenticeship program graduates over the next four years.

I want to ensure we are funding the education of our workforce and that funding is producing the workforce we need. Finally, we must prioritize childcare and pre-K at a national level and in our district. These investments give the double benefit of enriching our workforce of today and tomorrow. Early childhood programs provide the physical, social, and academic foundation our workforce of the future needs, especially in impoverished areas that lack access. But these programs also give the peace of mind and flexibility that our workforce of today needs to be committed to learning and growing in new industries and technology. I truly believe that we are the workforce of the future. Let’s start educating and preparing for it now.

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Meet Corey

Corey graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2003 and became a commissioned officer in U.S. Navy. He served on active duty for 8 years and has deployed to the Persian Gulf, the Pacific Rim, South America, and two tours in Afghanistan.


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