Corey Strong 4 Congress


Here is where I stand:

Voting Rights: As a nation governed by the people, for the people, we must actively pursue a more engaged and involved electorate and remove all barriers in the voting process. This includes dismantling systems and schemes that seek to suppress voting power based on an individual’s race, gender, or economic standing.

Education: Every child deserves to have access to a free, equitable, and excellent education. I support raising teacher pay, universal childcare and Pre-K programs, increasing representation and accountability for charter providers, and joining efforts between the Department of Justice and Department of Education to dismantle the school to prison pipeline.

Palestine: I endorse a pathway to self-determination for the Palestinian people and advocate that all funding from the United States align with domestic and international law, prioritizing the best interests of both the American and Palestinian populations as well as the preservation of liberty, justice, and human life.

Veteran Affairs: My entire military career has occurred during the longest period of war in our country’s history. Those wars, as well as previous ones, have taken a tremendous toll on our country and those in service to it. We owe them all. I will fight for enhancements to veteran’s services for healthcare, specifically in the areas of mental health and conditions related to burn pits in Iraq and Afghanistan. I will also work to define ‘supporting our troops’ as sustained compensation and support for our service members, veterans, and their families--not unchecked defense contractor spending.

2nd Amendment: As a military reservist, gun owner, and concealed carry permit holder, I firmly uphold the right protected in our Bill of Rights, understanding its profound significance, particularly in the military where rigorous training and certification are essential for weapon use; thus, I advocate for the same meticulous care to be applied in our society. Deaths resulting from firearm misuse have significantly contributed to the overall mortality rate in America and the number one cause of mortality in minors. That is why I support common sense gun legislation, such as closing gun show loopholes and universal background checks, supporting red flag laws, waiting periods, and better training for firearms.

Health Care: Health care is a human right, which is why I will advocate for a universal healthcare system that ensures equal access to all. I am firmly against any attempts to cut or undermine either Medicare or Social Security.

Abortion: Every person should have the autonomy to make their own reproductive choices, free from government interference or coercion. I support Planned Parenthood and all organizations which ensure reproductive justice and full access to healthcare for all women.

Environment: We must prioritize environmental protection, recognizing its direct influence on our health and livelihoods. I will actively advocate for carbon emission reduction and the transition to 100% clean and renewable energy sources, while ensuring that our infrastructure, including bridges, roads, and homes, minimizes its impact on the environment.

Economic Justice: The bedrock of our nation lies in its people, and it's imperative to uphold this foundation by ensuring every individual enjoys a basic standard of living. Therefore, economic justice forms the cornerstone of our platform. We must break free from the cycle of poverty and foster an economy of self-determination across all levels. Achieving this involves guaranteeing a livable wage, safe working conditions, and the unrestricted right to organize across all sectors of our economy. Moreover, nurturing entrepreneurship and providing workforce training for future-oriented jobs are essential for maintaining our city's competitiveness and cultivating the inclusive economy we aspire to.

Equal Rights for All: The strength of America is its diversity but that has long been hampered by a history of exploitation and exclusion. As I have always done, I will fight for and work to serve those who are voiceless and powerless, until we recognize the inalienable rights of all people.

BIPOC: As the representative of a majority African-American district, I will advocate for true protection under the law and restorative legislation for Black, Indigenous, and people of color through industrial, educational, and economic advancement.

LGBTQIA2S+: I stand and support LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and believe that members of the community should be protected, recognized, and celebrated.

Please contact our team at [email protected] if you have questions on specific issues/proposals or would like to schedule a conversation or appearance with Corey Strong and his team.

Here is Where I Stand: Voting Rights: Our democracy must ensure every citizen can participate fully. We need to eliminate barriers that suppress voting based on race, gender, or economic status. I am committed to dismantling any system that undermines the voting power of our people.

Education: Every child deserves a free, equitable, and excellent education. I support raising teacher pay, implementing universal childcare and Pre-K programs, increasing accountability for charter schools, and collaborating with the Department of Justice and Department of Education to end the school-to-prison pipeline.

Palestine: I advocate for self-determination for the Palestinian people. All U.S. funding should comply with both domestic and international laws, prioritizing the interests of Americans and Palestinians, and upholding liberty, justice, and human dignity.

Veteran Affairs: Having served during the longest period of war in U.S. history, I understand the sacrifices of our service members. I will fight for enhanced healthcare services for veterans, especially in mental health and conditions related to burn pits. Supporting our troops means sustained support for service members, veterans, and their families, not unchecked spending on defense contractors.

2nd Amendment: As a military reservist, gun owner, and concealed carry permit holder, I respect the Second Amendment. Proper training and certification are crucial in the military and should be equally rigorous in civilian life. I support common sense gun legislation, including closing gun show loopholes, universal background checks, red flag laws, waiting periods, and better firearm training.

Healthcare: Healthcare is a human right. I will advocate for a universal healthcare system that provides equal access for all. I oppose any efforts to cut Medicare or Social Security.

Abortion: Every person should have the autonomy to make their own reproductive choices without government interference. I support Planned Parenthood and organizations that ensure reproductive justice and healthcare access for all women.

Environment: Environmental protection is vital for our health and future. I will push for reducing carbon emissions, transitioning to clean energy, and ensuring our infrastructure minimizes environmental impact.

Economic Justice: Economic justice is crucial for our nation. We must ensure a basic standard of living for everyone, break the cycle of poverty, and foster an economy of self-determination. This includes a livable wage, safe working conditions, and the right to organize. We must also promote entrepreneurship and provide workforce training for future-oriented jobs.

Equal Rights for All: America's strength lies in its diversity, yet it has been hindered by exploitation and exclusion. I will continue to fight for the voiceless and powerless until we achieve true equality for all.

BIPOC: Representing a majority African-American district, I will advocate for the protection and advancement of Black, Indigenous, and people of color through industrial, educational, and economic initiatives.

LGBTQIA2S+: I stand with the LGBTQIA2S+ community, supporting their rights to be protected, recognized, and celebrated. For questions on specific issues or proposals, or to schedule a conversation or appearance, please contact our team at [email protected] or click the button below...

Meet Corey

Corey graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 2003 and became a commissioned officer in U.S. Navy. He served on active duty for 8 years and has deployed to the Persian Gulf, the Pacific Rim, South America, and two tours in Afghanistan.


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